January 9, 2025 E-Vine

Epiphany Season
“Baptism of our Lord”
January 12, 2025
Please CLICK HERE to download the service notes.
As We Gather
This Sunday celebrates the Baptism of Jesus, His ordination and installation into the Public Ministry for which He had come into the world. His Mission was to bring to light God’s offer of forgiveness, new life, and hope for all of eternity to all who receive by faith His Son. The celebration of Jesus’ Baptism is a good opportunity for us also to celebrate our own. Our Baptism joins us together with Jesus, calls us to walk with Him by faith, bestows God’s forgiveness, new life here on earth, and hereafter in God’s new heaven and new earth. It also bestows God’s deposit of His Holy Spirit so we can already begin living that new life.
Furthermore it “ordains” us for a special purpose in life . . . to join with Christ in letting the light of God’s grace shine out into the world, bringing hope to many! As has been our custom at St. John’s, we invite those who have been baptized in the last year to come forward and light their baptismal candles in remembrance of their Baptism. It’s a good time for us all to remember our Baptisms, thank God for His many gifts to us through this Sacrament, and recommit ourselves to letting our lights shine brightly!
Please CLICK HERE to download the link to the live-stream itself.
Pastor Mike’s Bible class will not meet this Sunday. The class will resume on January 19, continuing the study on the Bible texts of Handel’s Messiah. The entire text of The Messiah is taken from Scripture, primarily the Old Testament. We will be listening to and studying the texts that make up Part 1, which focuses on the promise of the Messiah and His birth. We will meet in Room 8 at 11:00 AM.
The 35th Annual HIT basketball tournament begins next week Thursday! As we gear up for this exciting basketball event, we want to extend an invitation to our incredible community to be part of the action! Our Eagle Rock Cafe will be serving up delicious meals and snacks throughout the tournament! From Tri tip sandwiches to Teriyaki bowls, Chef Lori and Dean have you covered for the event.
The first games for our tournament teams are as follows:
St. John’s Lutheran Girls vs St. Francis – Thursday, 1/16 at 6:15pm
St. John’s Lutheran Boys vs RLS – Thursday, 1/16 at 7:30pm
Dance and Cheer team will perform at halftime of boys game on Thursday
CLICK HERE for the boys’ schedule.
CLICK HERE for the girls’ schedule
CLICK HERE for the Eagle Rock Cafe menu
Cost of Entry per day:
$3 per student
$8 per adult
Tournament Passes= $6 per student; $20 per adult
Tournament Passes are the route to take! They get you into the gym for all 4 days of competition.
We are now seeking candidates for the following positions:
Business Administrator
The Business Administrator serves St. John’s by providing overall direction to the financial, facility, and personnel affairs of the church and providing leadership to and supervision of staff and volunteers involved in this ministry. This is a full-time position. For the full position description, please CLICK HERE. St. John’s Business Administrator.
Church Office Manager
The church office manager serves St. John’s by providing administrative and secretarial services to the church staff and church community. This is a full-time position. For the position description, please CLICK HERE. . St. John’s Church Office Manager.
Maintenance Technician (Part-time)
This is a new part-time position. The maintenance technician is primarily responsible for implementing and carrying out the preventive and routine maintenance tasks to prolong and ensure appropriate operation of equipment and systems. For the full position description, please CLICK HERE. St. John’s Maintenance Technician.
To inquire about these position, please contact the church office or Pastor Mike Schmid (pastormike@stjohnsnapa.org).
Best Practices for Ministry Conference
BPM is back! BPM 2024 will take place on February 13-15 at Christ Church Lutheran in Phoenix, Arizona. Best Practice for Ministry is a free conference for pastors, church workers, and lay people. The purpose is to learn and share ideas and practices to help us grow in living God’s Mission. For more information, please go to: cclphoenix.org/bpm/
As we have done in the past, St. John’s will be covering lodging for all participants from St. John’s, but not transportation. The conference itself is free. If you are interested, in addition to registering at the link above, please notify the church office. Also, we only have 2 reserved hotel rooms still available, so call the office ASAP if you are interested in attending.
Join us on Sundays after church for a Bible Study, games, and some fellowship time!

Children’s Church is looking for new volunteers to add to the mix for teaching. If you are interested in teaching or simply want more information please contact Kevin Mathison.
National Youth Gathering
We are taking 20 people (15 High School Youth) to New Orleans in July 2025. On November 1st, our group was officially registered for the big trip. I want to say thank you to the countless individuals who have contributed in raising funds for the group and I want to also warn you to keep your eyes open for upcoming fundraising. Please join us in praying for the group as we prepare for the Gathering.
Follow St. John’s Youth Ministry on Social Media to keep up with all the latest information!
Facebook: SJL Napa Youth Ministry
Instagram: St. John’s Lutheran Napa Youth
School APT Fund-Raiser
The Main Event
Join us for an evening of fun, fellowship, and fundraising at The Main Event on March 22, 2025, benefiting St. John’s Lutheran School! This exciting community-building night will feature a lively auction, great company, and the chance to make a big impact for our school. Don’t miss out—come for the fun, stay for the cause, and help us support our students.
Get your tickets now! Purchase individual seats or reserve a table for friends and family. Scan the QR code to secure your spot today!

Every week is an opportunity to invite someone to join with us in worship, whether in person or online. The first step, though, is to pray for those whom you may invite. Who can you pray for? Who will you invite?

You can CLICK HERE to give your offering online.
Men’s Saturday Morning Bible Study
The Men’s Saturday Morning Bible Study is currently studying the Gospel of Luke.
Join us for fellowship at 7:30 AM and Bible Study from 8-9 AM.
Biblical Counseling at St John’s?
The Biblical Counseling Center of Napa Valley
The Biblical Counseling Center of Napa Valley is a ministry to the families of St. John’s Lutheran Church and all Christians in the greater Napa area. Our center began some 25 years ago to offer strength and direction to those Christians suffering through trials and tribulations using the promises and hope the Bible offers to those who trust Jesus as their Lord and Savior. To learn more, CLICK HERE. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with life’s stressors, please consider giving us a call at 707-738-5306. (We are a free ministry to all).

Right Now Media
Right now media is an online resource providing Christian videos for all ages: Children’s resource, Bible Studies, lectures and more. As a congregation, we have subscribed to Right Now Media, so access is free for all in our St. John’s family. If you haven’t already signed up for Right Now Media, CLICK HERE.
Where do I find sermons and services that I missed?
You can find previous sermons in three places. The full services are available on the YouTube channel.
- YouTube Channel:
- www.youtube.com/user/stjohnsnapaca/live
- There are playlists for sermons, Sunday Services, Wednesday Night Worship and teaching on Matthew
- RightNow Media Channel
- www.rightnowmedia.org/CustomLibrary/41667
- Scroll down to find recommendations as well as sermon and Gospel of Matthew lessons
- Website
- stjohnslutheran.net/sermons-2/
- The sermons are arranged by worship series
Ongoing News and Information
Scrip Info: What is Scrip?…
Social Media at St. John’s…
Mission India… Copyright © 2025 St. John’s Lutheran Church, All rights reserved.
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