Special Needs Bible Class
(Offered during the service.)
Here at St. John’s Lutheran Church our Adults with Disabilities meets every 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays from 9:30-10:15 a.m. in Room 10 to introduce or continue their knowledge of the Gospel and how much God/Jesus loves them. The teacher greets students who are in the church and then meets up with those students already at the classroom. We open with prayer, sing and then introduce the lesson (which generally corresponds with the sermon lesson for that day), discuss how the lesson applies to their lives, complete an art project that corresponds to the lesson, and share a closing prayer including any prayers they request relating to what they are concerned about. The students walk together with the teacher to the church to reconnect with their parents and/or guardians.
In addition to Sunday Classes, each quarter the group hosts the coffee hour at St. John’s and gathers the day before to enjoy each other’s company and bake cookies in preparation for hosting.
If you have any questions regarding this opportunity, please contact:
Elaine Zimmerman at zimelaine@comcast.net or 707/225-4291 or
Rebecca Vitkus at havegoalstomeet@gmail.com or 775/685-6201.
Understanding Disability Ministry
What is Disability Ministry at St. John’s? Is it a program? a project? a committee? a task force? a class? a group or huddle?
The best answer for that question is found in Romans 12:13: “Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Take a few minutes to consider what that is asking of us.
Disability ministry at St. John’s involves every person, not just the pastors and the Disability Ministry Task Force members. We are all called to be expressions of God’s love and care for one another. What a special joy and privilege we have been given to serve our Lord by serving and caring for others!
First of all, our eyes and ears should be attuned to recognize peoples’ needs. These can be physical, emotional, economic, social, and for all of us—spiritual needs. Then we are called to do something about these needs. We are to share with others and practice hospitality.
Hospitality takes on many forms. It can be radical, such as opening your home to overnight or long term guests, or as simple as a genuine smile and a handshake. It is inviting, welcoming, being friendly, caring, supporting, and encouraging.

Our Disability Ministries Include:
- Hearing impaired sound system in the sanctuary
- Communion brought to those with mobility issues.
- Special Needs Bible Class (offered during church) 9:30-10:15 on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month in Room 10
Disability ministry at St. John’s involves every person, not just the pastors and the Disability Ministry Task Force members. We are all called to be expressions of God’s love and care for one another. What a special joy and privilege we have been given to serve our Lord by serving and caring for others!
For more information, please contact:
Church Office (707) 255-0119
Elaine Zimmerman (707) 225-4291 zimelaine@comcast.net
Rebecca Vitkus (775) 685-6201
Ways to offer Hospitality
- Offer genuine care to people with disabilities, similar to how you would treat anyone else.
- When greeting them, engage in meaningful conversation beyond the standard “How are you?”
- Be open to forming a real connection, sharing interests and getting to know them.
- Assist with practical needs, such as opening doors or sharing hymnals or bulletins if needed.
- Work towards removing barriers that hinder their participation in congregation activities.
- Actively meet specific needs they may have, if you are able to.
- Recognize, appreciate, and encourage their unique talents and abilities within the congregation.
- Remember and support friends who can no longer attend church or Bible study due to health or strength issues by visiting, calling, or sending cards.
- Be prepared to share the love of Jesus in your interactions.