Everyone’s Welcome
Welcome to St. John’s Lutheran Church and School! We are happy that you are interested in our faith community. Our ministry includes a worshiping and discipling congregation, a Christian School (Preschool through 8th Grade), a Comfort Dog Ministry, a Mission Farm, and much more! We seek to honor Christ, love one another, and serve our community.
All are welcome at St. John’s! We follow a Savior who came for the broken, the hurting, the lost, the grieving. Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again to give forgiveness, life and salvation to all, and to welcome the exiles home. This good news is at the heart of who we are and all that we do at St. John’s
Sunday Morning at St John’s
We would love to have you join us for worship. You can also check out our worship by tuning in online. CLICK HERE
9:30am – Worship
10:30am – Coffee and Refreshments
11:00am – Pastor’s Bible Class
When You Arrive
Address: 3521 Linda Vista Ave, Napa, CA
View on Google Maps
Please visit our welcome table in the church entryway to pick up informational literature
- Our monthly newsletter
- Information on upcoming events
- Prayer request cards (for making prayer requests during the service)
- Devotional booklets
There are also ushers present to answer any questions or direct you in any way necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions
Our services follow the structure of the ancient liturgy, but usually with an informal feel, making use of both tried and true hymns of the faith and new worship songs. There is a back and forth rhythm of God pouring out His blessings through Word and Sacrament, and then we respond in praise, prayer, confession of faith and more. At the heart of it all each week is a clear proclamation of the Gospel, the Good News of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ.
Do you offer a new believer’s class?
We periodically offer a class called “Foundations,” is a nine-part overview of the teachings of the Christian faith, led by Pastor Mike. The class has also been recorded in case you would like to start learning now! View our Foundations page.
Do you live stream your services?
We live stream all of our services through YouTube and Facebook. You can view previous services and sermons on our YouTube channel. Our Watch Live page can be accessed on this site here or through the watch live button at top of website.
How do I give to the ministry of St. John’s?
St. John’s receives tithes & offerings during Sunday morning services. If you would like to make your offering online, please CLICK HERE or on this site by clicking on the GIVE button at the top of our website.
Is the singing led by a band or by an organ?
We make use of both on most Sundays. Our worship services contain a blend of traditional and modern elements, classic hymns of the faith as well as new worship songs.
Do you have Children’s Church on Sunday?
Yes we do. Children are encouraged to sit with their parents for the early part of the worship service. They are then dismissed by the pastor to leave church with their Children’s Church leaders.
- The children who are in Preschool, Kindergarten and First Grade meet in the Preschool Classroom.
- Children in Second, Third and Fourth Grades meet in the Library/Computer Room.
- The Children’s Church session is approximately 30-40 minutes, after which they are brought back to the sanctuary.
How can I get involved?
We have many serving groups, fellowship groups and Bible studies that meet throughout the week. Please check our Grow and Serve section for a list of these and also our calendar to see times and events that are scheduled. In addition, you are welcome to contact the church office for more information. You can reach us at churchoffice@stjohnsnapa.org or call (707) 255-0119.
Is St. John’s part of a denomination?
St. John’s Lutheran is part of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (lcms.org), a network of Lutheran congregations that work together for missions, education, relief, church worker training, and the development of Christian resources. Go here for more information regarding our confession of faith.
Have Questions?
When you arrive, if you would like more information, see one of the greeters or stop by the Connection Center in the foyer. They will be more than happy to help you with any question you may have.
If you would like more information before you arrive feel free to call the Church voice mail box 24/7 and leave a message at 530-637-8770 and someone will get back with you.