Bible Studies
Our Bible study classes provide an opportunity to study God’s Word. We seek to grow as disciples, that we might know Him better and follow Him more closely, and so become better equipped by Him to make more disciples.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Pastor Mike leads a Bible Study each Sunday at 11:00 in Room 8. Please refer to the E-Vine for the current topic under discussion. This is also a time for any follow-up discussion of that week’s sermon.
Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study
This study and breakfast meets at 7:30 in Room 10. This Saturday morning study has been running continuously for 45 years, but is always open for new men to join. The current study is the Gospel of Luke.
Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study
This Bible study meets in the sanctuary on Mondays at 10:00 AM. The class is currently studying the book of Acts.
Monday Night Zoom Bible Study
This study, currently led by Kevin Mathison, is designed for couples and individuals with children at home. We meet at 8:30 pm via zoom. The class will often include individual pre-study, usually a video to watch before meeting.
You can contact Pastor Mike at with any questions.
Small Groups
At our Lutheran church, we deeply value the spiritual growth and community that comes from engaging with God’s Word and each other. To foster this, we host small group gatherings which serve as a nurturing space for Bible Study, prayer, and fellowship. These groups are central to our mission of growing as disciples of Christ.
Prayer is a vital part of our gatherings. We come together to pray for one another, our community, and the world. This is a time of spiritual support, where we bring our joys, concerns, and hopes before God, strengthening our faith and bond as a church family.
Fellowship is the thread that weaves our time together, creating a warm and welcoming environment. It’s an opportunity to connect, share life experiences, and build lasting relationships within our church community.
Pastor Mike plays a pivotal role in guiding these groups.
If you’re interested in joining an existing group or feel called to start a new one, please reach out to Pastor Mike. He will provide you with all the necessary information and support.